Monumental Task.
YES! I finally completed the longest and most tiring and daunting task...
6 hours without the fan and without much light though I was just too lazy to get up and on the lights.. I was just too focus on finishing the task though some of the parts just don't fit right. I just shortcut my way through when it just don't fit. Haha!
I just glue it and hope it stays that way. I hope that it stays that way for the next few thousand years just like the real building hahaha and not get blown down by any gust of wind. :X
It was not perfect but it is imperfectly, perfect. :D
It is called the Temple of Heavens, located in Beijing, I went there last year though. It was magnificent! However, I forgot what was the history of it already... Hahaha!

Now after I fixed it, I just don't know where I should put it...
It is way too big! Hahaha! :D